
About Me

Picture of Michael Joshua Dayan


I began my post-secondary education at Wake Technical Community College (WTCC) in 2016. After completing my dual associates I transferred to North Carolina State University (NCSU) in 2019. I have concentrations in nanotechnology and semiconductor design. I hope to pursue a masters degree in electrical engineering.

In Fall 2019 I joined the Wolfpack Motorsports (WMS) FSAE team in the electronics subsystem; my role at WMS is a hardware engineer. In 2021 our team's car placed 2nd overall in the Las Vegas event. I also secured for the team 2nd Place in the Siemens Digital Twin Electrical System Excellance Award; This also came with a $2000 prize for the team

When I was at WTCC I decided I wanted to pursue a major in Electrical Engineering instead of Computer Science. For many years I studied computer programming and computer science theory, but after taking physics II at WTCC I realized that I loved hardware and enjoyed learning about circuit analysis. I still enjoy improving my programming knowledge through personal projects.

PDM V2.1

Hardware Design completed, February 5, 2022
A rendering of PDM V2.1 rotating A rendering of the Smart High Side Switch PCB A rendering of the Main PCB

The final revision of the power distribution module for the 2022 racing season has been completed. New to the main PCB are optocouplers to isolate it from the inputs, a temperature sensor for data acquisition, and a new micro-controller. The smart high side switch PCB now has 7 switches for increased flexibility.

All the PCB layout was redone to facilitate these changes. Additionally the enclosure recieved a major redesign to aid in final assembly. The high level design of the new software has been completed and is being developed currently.


B.S.E.E. From NCSU, December 10, 2021
A picture of Michael after graduating with hunt library visible in the background

I graduated from North Carolina State University with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering!

ECE Senior Design

1st Place for project and individual award for mechatronics, November 19th, 2021
Picture of the award for being on a 1st place project Picture of the individual commendation for excellence in mechatronics Picture of the display my group had on design day. On the left is the power distribution module
Picture with myself and my group members: Michael Peralta, Faiz Mohamed, and Mohammad Ahmad A picture of the 1st place ribbon hanging on one of our posters A Top down picture looking into the power distribution module A picture of the circuit breaker relocation and indicator LED enclosure

This ECE senior design project is the cumlination of work beginning in the Spring 2021 semester; A Wolfpack Motorsports alumni Scott McDaniel arranged this project's approval with the ECE senior design teachers. I was the technical and organizational lead on the project; I was also the sponsoring member of the project representing Wolfpack Motorsports.

I had to wear many different hats on this project quite often at the same time. As a team member I was responsible for: all MCAD design and manufacturing, the smart high side switch circuit design+pcb layout+assembly, the relay circuit design, all wiring and connector pinning, heat testing, vibrational testing, and exporting all files for manufacturing.

The goal of this project was to create a low unit cost, roboust, configurable, and self monitoring power distribution module that incorporated as much solid state technology as possible; this is a major technological milestone for Pack Motorsports (formerly Wolfpack Motorsports). Michael Peralta designed the voltage regulation circuitry to output 3.3, 5, and 8V and performed extensive thermal testing of these.

Faiz Mohamed was responsible for the PCB layout and assembly of the indicator circuit as well as assisting Mohammad Ahmad with water testing. Ahmad was also responsible for implmenting the curiosity nano SAM51 board, CAN transciever, and all software.

I am so excited for the team to get to use Power Distribution Module V2.0 this competition season!

Siemens Award Nevada 2021

2nd Place Siemens Digital Twin Electrical System Excellence Award, June 19th, 2021
Picture of all awards the team recieved at Nevada. Siemens award on the far left of image Picture of Siemens award Picture of VeSys Diagram

Siemens recognized the innovative use of their software VeSys by our team.

As the principal designer of the wiring harness design and the sole VeSys user of the team up to this point I created a wiring diagram that aided in planning and construction of the wiring harness for the 2021 car. A cash prize of $2000 was awarded to Wolfpack Motorsports.

Steering Wheel PCB

The Steering Wheel PCB for Wolfpack Motorsports is assembled and ready for installation, Dec 16th, 2020
A picture of the fully assembled PCB A picture of the touchscreen that connects to the PCB

The steering wheel PCB provides interconnection between many modules inside the steering wheel of the Wolfpack Motorsports race car including a touch screen.

The PCB is a two layer board with a design focusing on minizing assembled board height to fit inside the tight space in the steering wheel. Two of the components on the steering wheel PCB are a modified CAN to SPI shield and a raspberry pi zero w